Adding an Image to your Signature
Windows Live/Outlook(web-based)/Hotmail Before you begin: 1. Sign into Windows Live/Outlook (web-based)/Hotmail account 2. Open ‘INTER.act Image’ email you received from DMS 3. Copy the HTML code from the email. It will start with
Once signed into account: 1. Click ‘settings’ button on top right of page (it looks like a gear) 2. Click ‘more mail settings’ in the drop down menu 3. Under ‘Writing Email’ click ‘Formatting, Font and Signature’ 4. Scroll down to the ‘Personal Signature’ editing box. Change drop down menu from ‘rich text’ to ‘edit in HTML’ 5. Use the HTML code you copied from the DMS email ‘INTER.act Image’ and paste it into the editing area of the Personal Signature box. 6. Click ‘Save’ > go back to your inbox 7. Test your signature image by sending yourself an email. You should be able to see your image and click on it to view your newsletter. NOTE: You may have to enable the downloading of images prior to seeing your signature.
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